Today’s event, which took place in Bishkek during the state visit of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, his Excellency Emomali Rahmon, and the signing of the Border Agreement with the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, his Excellency Sadyr Japarov, undoubtedly became a significant event not only of interstate scale but also of regional and international importance. This meeting of the leaders of two Central Asian regions with their agenda improved the quality of bilateral interaction and elevated the level of regional cooperation, and it will contribute to further expansion and development of relations in this direction.
International observers and experts closely following the events consider the results achieved during the meeting as a turning point and a cornerstone in the prospects for regional cooperation. The level of attention to this event stems from the fact that the unresolved territorial issue along the borders of the two states, since the formation of the Soviet Union, has for centuries remained a matter of concern not only for the two countries but also for the entire region. This situation has, to some extent, hindered the efforts of both sides in achieving sustainable development and strengthening unbreakable ties, both at the political level and between the peoples of both countries.
Finally, the determination demonstrated over the past two years by the heads of state of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, without involving third parties in the search for a solution to this issue, laid the foundation for breaking the deadlock. In other words, the will and good intentions of the parties served as the starting point for constructive interaction between them.
To carry out practical work, a Government Commission for the delimitation of the Tajik-Kyrgyz border was created under the leadership of the chairmen of the State Committees for National Security (SCNS) of both countries, Saymumin Yatimov and Kamchybek Tashiev. After long and painstaking work by the members of the commission, on February 21, the parties initialed drafts of several bilateral documents, including the Agreement on the Tajik-Kyrgyz State Border, the Agreement on the Construction and Use of Highways, the Arrangement and Use of Road Intersections, and the Agreement between the governments on ensuring access to water management and energy facilities. Thus, the good intentions of the parties and consideration of mutual interests served as the starting point for the constructive and fruitful work of the commission during this period.
It should be noted that the support of the populations in the border areas for these initiatives has itself not only been a part of the process but also the driving force in achieving a peaceful and constructive resolution of this issue. This is natural because the unresolved nature of this problem, which has lasted more than a century, has repeatedly been the subject of fierce border disputes and conflicts. One of the tragic moments of such armed confrontation occurred in 2022, which claimed many lives. It was after this incident that the determination of the political leaders of the two countries to find a peaceful solution to this issue and establish lasting peace on the border became intense and irreversible.
It is noteworthy that during the commission’s work, the peoples of the two countries fully trusted their political leaders and demonstrated true neighborly patience and wisdom. This created a friendly, constructive environment and conditions for the commission’s work and the rejection of a confrontational approach to solving very complex problems.
It can confidently be said that the agreement reached by the parties is essentially a step toward establishing a completely new vision of security—one that is common, sustainable, and comprehensive, thus rejecting confrontation and a focus on strengthening only one’s own absolute security.
The parties have shown that in today’s contradictory world, the countries that win are those that achieve such a deep understanding of the problems that security between neighboring countries, and indeed on all scales, must be mutual and mutually beneficial. In other words, it can be interpreted that the security of one country cannot be built at the expense of another’s security. This understanding is important for our countries, which are concerned about the destructive forces operating in Afghanistan.
Thus, today, March 13, 2025, after the signing of the Tajik-Kyrgyz State Border Agreement by the parties, we must strive even more to promote and implement the above-mentioned new vision of security in order to protect, as the apple of our eye, long-term peace and stable relations between our countries. In particular, the populations of border areas must be ready to provide space and support for the complete completion of the demarcation of the established border lines. They should not succumb to any destructive influences or ideologies that may emerge.
Along with other positive aspects, the agreement reached opens the door for broad economic interactions between the countries. A particularly good sign in this direction was the official opening of the border crossing on both sides today, in the presence of high-ranking government officials and border guards from both countries.
We are confident that businesses, entrepreneurs, and the general population will take advantage of the opportunities that have arisen to expand the space for cooperation. After all, only with a balanced, effective, and sustainable security structure can economic and humanitarian ties be expanded.
Usmonzoda Kh.U., Professor, Corresponding Member of the
National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan
Director of the Center for Strategic Reserch under
the President of the Republic of Tajikistan